Tuesday, May 04, 2010

An art installation will be happening next week at UPenn showcasing some beautiful murals all around Philadelphia. If you happen to be in Philadelphia that weekend! Definitely check it out! At the end of it, there will be a week along auction for a smaller rendition of the installation with the entire price of the sale donated to Team Boravuth, which is a nonprofit charity located in Cambodia that provides kids with art supplies.

Here is the link to talk more about the art installation and some of the images of the installation. Check it out!!



Wednesday, April 07, 2010

I recently finished Gourmet, a korean drama. Needless to say, it was a drama the battlefield is taken place in kitchen. Let me tell you! Watching a drama that is always surrounded with delicious looking food does not help!! So in the drama, they use the chili pepper paste.. it looked SO GOOD!! in the drama. I decided that I will have to try it for myself. Being a spicy taste lover and all :)

At first I was really scared because those chili paste tubs are HUGE!! I mean what if i don't like it? or what if it's too spicy to eat! OMG it would take me foreverrrr to finish it... alas! I found a tiny tub of the paste. :) It sat in my frig for a few days before I had the courage to try out the paste. When you first open the tub.. it's soo red! and the smell, it's nothing that I smelled before... totally yum-olicious! with a hint of spice.. hehehe the taste.. is AMAZING!!!! Looking at the paste, you would think all you taste is fire teary spice, but surprisingly you taste the richness of the paste before you are able to experience the tingly spiciness of the paste. Don't let that first taste full you. It's spicy! I eat it with everything now... rice, noodles, etc. The small tub ist almost empty!! It hasn't even been two weeks yet =P I guess that means I can upgrade to a bigger tub.. hahaha it definitely does not replace my better half.. sriracha. Sriracha definitely is MORE spicy! you can sniff how spicy it is.. anywhoms!! now i have two lovers!! :) more the merrier! hehe thank you Gourmet!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Regardless of how things have been lately. I feel so blessed to have wonderful people in my life. Thes little small gestures are the most memorable. People can always surprise you when you least expect it. Like a precious gem, I will hold these moments close to my heart. Thanks for being a good friend. Thanks for reminding me that great friends are not measured by how far a distance they are from each other or how long they have known each other. It is about being there for each other when you need a shoulder to lean on, especially when you do not realize it. It is always good to let those dearest to you know that they matter. It may seem silly, to tell people about how much they mean to you, but you never know. You might have just made someone's day that much more awesome :) I can only hope that I will be able to repay the generiousity that you have given me.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

haha I had a very interesting conversation with a friend of mine. A few seconds into our conversation, he asked me if I was home at the moment. I told him that I was. He continued saying that because a close friend of mine recently went to socal, so he automatically thought that I was in socal with her. LOL Hilarous..

I was chatting with another friend.. and out of nowhere.. he asked me if I was going to be going to Socal. I asked him where was this coming from? Because I hadn't told anyone about going to socal... nor did I have any plans going to socal anytime soon. He was like... oh since "so and so" is leaving for socal in a few days... I thought you were going to accompany him... x_x

It doesn't really end there.. in a middle of the week last week. I got a random text from a friend in the morning asking if I happened to be in socal at the moment. Puzzled, I asked her why? HAHA She told me that a friend of hers was at LAX and forgot her ID, she was wondering if I was able to get her ID for her... OH MAN!!

I guess this shouldn't come as a surprise to me... For a while, I was in socal all the time. BUT it doesn't mean that I am ALWAYS going to be there.. yes shocking I know. =P I have to admit though, I am kinda missing socal.. the weather must be really nice right now. I miss the food, I miss my friends down there.. I miss the food mostly... hahaha I am such a fattie!! maybe that's why people don't like me. Because I don't fit the ideal woman of now a days.. what happened to just liking someone for their personalilty?? haha i kid i kid.. *sigh.. oh wells* I'll just have to die single and... happy.. with my foods? LOL meh... that's a whole different topic to disect for another day...

Back to the topic at hand.. SOCAL and their WONDERFUL FOODS!!! :) Don't you feel sometimes that when you visit a place, you just feel like you fit right in. Like when you go there.. everything is in it's rightful place. That's what it is like when I am in the OC. I have been seriously considering moving down to Socal for a short period of time... (that's what they all say hahaha) I think that it will be good for me with a change of scenery. Might even be good for me. Though I don't know, my entirely family is here in the bay area. I would miss them too much. I would go through family and friends withdrawals. I would MISS MY CATS!! YES all seven of them!! =P

Newhoms.. I don't know when will the next time I'll be down there. I want to enjoy this nice weather, I will have to find a good excuse to go down there :) I must see my lover at least once a month! She is coming up to Norcal for the UVSA Charity Gala [ahem.. it's on April 3rd.. purchase your tickets at www.uvsaCharityGala.com :D] ... soooo it only make sense for me to go down to Socal in May! oh what a relationship!! FINE I'll admit it.. half the time I go to socal is to see her :D but please don't be starting rumors now! hahahaha :) socal.. oh how I miss thee.. we will be reunited soon my love *thuong thuong*

Friday, March 26, 2010

hahaha... so every few weeks my mom ask me to dye her hair. She asked again tonight. I told her no, only because every time I dye her hair. she always yells at me! either it is because I am too slow, or i am doing it wrong. Sometimes it's because I am doing it wrong that is why it is taking so long. Sometimes it end with her just so frustrated and she tells me to stop and she'll do it by herself. O_o oh mother hahaha So I told her today that I was fed up with her always yelling at me. She giggles!! and goes.. "hahaha that is true isn't it?" My dad can't help, but laugh. She continues to say that she promises that she won't yell at me this time. I looked at her and said, "that's what you said LAST TIME!!"

what can i say?? haha I love my mother =P

*thuong thuong!!*